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Classroom 2.0

 Welcome to my blog! Our AP was to design our classroom. Here's how it went.

    We started by brainstorming ideas of how to make our classroom better and to make it more functional but also keeping in mind that we are in uncertain times.  We also brainstormed ideas for "Classroom Rules". I came up with a few ideas such as, getting plants and repurpose a book shelf and turn it into a planter box. I also came up with the idea of making an aquaponics system not only would it be a closed system it would open our options to grow things, and taking care of things. 

    The reason why the aquaponics system is so dear to me is because in the 8th grade, I built my own! I'm taking my critical thinking skills and putting them to good use. The aquaponics system would serve as a serine place of peace because its showing the life cycle of plants, and fish of course.

    We also had an agreement for the guidelines of what the classroom should look like, we should model excellence. Not distracting others, working in a timely fashion. We can work in a timely fashion but still being curios in our work. Our teachers also have a set of agreements, they have to be willing to accept feedback, they're patient, and that we can 1:1 time with them when needed. 

    Our classroom would serve as a central hub for everything we do, from how we start the day to how we end it. After-all we do spend 90% of our time there.  As we were testing out the classroom to see how everything will feel, and function it so far feel amazing. There's good order, there are no naked noses lol, not staring at the back of someones head, everyone is withing your field of vision. 

    Thank you for reading my blog, I hope you all have a wonderful day reader! "Be the change you want to see in the world" - Mahatma Gandhi

                                                                  Layout of the classroom


Rules for our classes.



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