Hello Welcome to my blog, this term in Game Changers, we had to look at diffrent games from battle cards, to Magic the gatheing to get insperation to create our own games. I realise now that creating a game is very ambitious e speccially for two weeks but this is what I was able to accomplish. HEY YOU! YES YOU! Do you want to play a game that is both a card game and an amazing battle game? Well you're in luck! We've created an amazing game from both Star Wars and battling to save the galaxy. Will evil prevail.. Or will goodness keep the galaxy in balance. Our game’s name is “STAR CARDS.” The game starts off with 4 cards for every person. You place one card down for each person and you battle each other's cards and the cards that deal the most damage win the round. Our game is a battle cards game, to be quite honest when we first started out i didnt think that i would even be able to finish. The first week was the most teadous, purley because we started bouncing from i...