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Battieries say whaaaaa?

 Welcome to my blog,

In this unit in "Fuel," we were discovering batteries, now even though the unit was only one week long we still learned quite a few things about batteries. From electrodes to electrolytes, from electric cranes to tesla power walls. We covered it all. I changed my experiment quite a few times. I still got it done though, let's take a look into the journey of a battery!

So for staters we watched Will, destroy a pencil sharpener (Cool right!) to see the motor on the inside. Once we opened the magnet we discovered that there was a copper coil, and 2 big magnets creating electricity to make the motor work!

Will then, showed us what electrolytes were. We were given the challenge of creating a battery use two types of metals, and 2 electrolytes. At first, I was going to use, coconut water, then I changed my mind and decided to use salted coconut water! That was for my first attempt though, for my second attempt. I used salted vinegar, this came out amazing! Smelly, but amazing. 

The procedure was simple, get our electrolytes (Salted coconut water & vinegar) and put them into a bowl one at a time of course, from there I then waited and started writing about the procedure we were doing. Once it was my time to use the Multimeter (used to measure electrical currents) I got some not-so-shocking results. I was aiming for.400 volts, and I ended up only getting just under .300 volts. I belive that if we were to link all the batteries in the class together we'd be able to power a small lightbuld! 

The results from my Multimeter. 

I part with saying this, we are all inventers, its up to us to make the change we want in this world. Our generation, is the next Elon Musk, and Jeffory Bezos. All it takes is a little energerning and a little elbow grease which I know that we all have, to invent something so revolutanry, it'll change the world. So to all those little Elon's and the little Kamala's Harris' you too can be the future, do what need to be done to revoltunize the world. 

Thank you for reading my blog.




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