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This semester we've been working on fossil fuels and renewable energy. We've been trying to get to the root of what makes a specific fuel better than the other.
In this AP we were given the task of trying to convince someone to switch to renewable energy. I chose geothermal energy. The reason is, it's safer, it's cooler, it awesome, and Kamala Harris is a big advocate for geothermal energy.
Wanna know why you should choose geothermal energy? It has great advantages to it. It's clean, by clean I mean no carbon emissions, no destruction, or deforestation to build a power plant, all you need is a big back year and couple thousand dollars.
It's also very low maintenance, all it needs is a technician to come and check it once every 9 months for servicing.
The US is leading in the geothermal power industry, but they’re quite a few geothermal plants all over the world including The geysers geothermal complex in California, the Darajat power station in, Indonesia.
These locations deliver power to tens of thousands of people’s homes. Especially in Indonesia, where there is an ongoing energy crisis. This power plant powers just under 150,000 homes. In California, home to the world's largest geothermal power plant "The Geysers" it can power just over 875,000 homes! Now isn't that some great stuff!
I learned from this that renewable energy is way safer than a lot of the things we get our energy from today.
One thing I found very easy this AP was the math. I struggle a lot with math, but this time it seemed to be a bit easier, something that I found challenging would've been the research. Geothermal energy is fairly new, so there weren't too many articles or stories about it. It required some intensive digging, but I found what I needed in the end. I'm most proud of getting this AP done so quickly, being actively engaged in the assignment, and wanting to finish this one.
Thank you all, I hope that once you see my points about geothermal energy you'll make that oh so sweet change from those old fossil fuels to that amazing GEOTHERMAL ENERGY!!
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