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Did this mean to happen?!

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In this unit, we started off by learning about micro/macronutrients. We then moved into looking at different types of nutrients. We then started to bake, first, we started off by going back to the scientific method. I made two hypotheses, the first being the banana bread experiment. I said that our bread with the brown sugar would leaven more than the one with molasses. I made a second hypothesis about the brownies (shocker I was wrong) I believed that even though we used flaxseed the brownie would leaven more than the one with yogurt. We then learned about the effect of cooking food. When you cook the food you get even more nutrients out of it. We then started to learn about something called the food hypothesis the idea that human brains evolved with the help of cooking and denaturing our food. In this process, is believed that people got access to more of the nutrients our brains need allowing us to become smarter.

In this unit, I made cornbread. I changed the emulsifier, replacing the egg with flaxseed.  

Before I started to cook, I had to hypothesize.  My hypostasis was that the altered one would come out smoother (foreshadowing LOL) and that the unaltered one will come out thick.

Research Question: How will the flaxseed affect the texture and taste of the cornbread?


" 1 pkg. JIFFY Corn Muffin Mix"

1 Egg 

1/3 cup milk.

Step 1:

I poured the milk into the mixing cup. 

Step 2: 

Add the Jiffy mix into the measuring cup.

Step 3:

Add eggs then mix until the mix is all mixed in. 

Step 4:

Bake & Taste

I noticed that I genuinely liked this cornbread. I don't normally like cornbread, but I noted that it had a certain sweetness to it which is normally what it lacks at home. 

This is the altered recipe: 

Step one:

Add milk, Flaxseed, and water into the mixing cup.

Step two: 

Add the Jiffy mix into the cake pan.

Step 3:

Stir, bake and then eat. 


Independent Variable


Dependent Var #1: Consistency 

Dependent Var #2: Texture 

Dependent Var #3: Leavening


25 minutes

This loaf was very crumbly and was falling apart a lot

This loaf felt airer, and sweeter

2 1/2in

Flax seed

This loaf was chewier and was very stiff

This loaf was softer and was a lot moister, but definitely stiffer.

1 3/4in 

Further question: I wonder what this would've tasted like had I used peanut butter and changed the milk instead. 

While I did like the first one, the second one wasn't for me. I think that my taste testers, Jayden and Corban really enjoyed it. It was a bit more firm and less crumbly than the first one. In the words of Corban "You can see the indent of the fork its more like a cake rather than cornbread". Overall, I think I really enjoyed making this. It was very tedious having to wait for 20+ minutes on the food, BUT overall, I really enjoyed this AP. 


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