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Final Unit Reflection on Patient Profile Project

In this final unit of our Cure course, we were tasked with creating a comprehensive patient profile and outlining various treatment options for the individual. I found this project particularly enjoyable, as it deepened my understanding of how specific diseases impact patients' lives. For this assignment, I focused on my family member, Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor, to assess her risk of Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) and suggest appropriate treatments and prevention strategies.

Patient Profile: Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor

  • Name: Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor
  • Sex: Female
  • Gender: Cis Female
  • Age: 57
  • Height: 5'4"
  • Weight: 133 lbs

Medical History: Elizabeth's medical history is quite extensive, including:

  • Knee Surgery: Previous surgical intervention on the knee.
  • Bone Marrow Cancer: History of cancer affecting her bone marrow.
  • Gastroenteritis: Experience with gastrointestinal inflammation.
  • Broken Wrist: Past injury resulting in a fractured wrist.
  • Smallpox: Previous vaccination or infection history.
  • Cataracts: Diagnosed with cataracts affecting her vision.
  • Episodic Mobility Issues: Periodic difficulties with mobility.
  • COVID-19: Recent recovery from a COVID-19 infection.

Lifestyle Behaviors: The project also considers Elizabeth's lifestyle, which includes:

  • Regular Exercise: Engages in consistent physical activity.
  • Sense of Purpose: Actively participates in meaningful activities.
  • Animal Companions: Has pets that provide emotional support.
  • Spending Time in Nature: Enjoys outdoor activities that promote well-being.

Treatment Options: Some forms of treatment recommended for Elizabeth include:

  • Medications: Suggestions involve listing specific medications by name, generic name, type, dosage, indications, intended effects, and potential side effects.
  • Nutrition Plan: Provides specific dietary recommendations, including foods, quantities, frequencies, and their associated nutritional benefits.
  • Lifestyle Changes: Encompasses aspects such as sleep patterns, exercise routines, and environmental adjustments.
  • Alternative Therapies: Explores options like aromatherapy, acupuncture, yoga, and natural medicine to complement traditional treatment or prevention strategies.

Slide Show: I hope you enjoyed the insights from this project. It provided a clear understanding of Elizabeth's health profile, including her demographics, lifestyle behaviors, and family medical history. The assessment of familial risk and the use of a risk calculator allowed for a comprehensive evaluation of her likelihood of developing PAD.

One of the challenges I faced was gathering accurate and detailed family medical history, especially since Elizabeth is not a blood relative. Additionally, I encountered difficulties finding suitable risk assessment resources, as some were unreliable. If allowed to make changes, I would focus on further exploring and validating the family medical history.

In summary, this project provided valuable information about Elizabeth's health status, her risk assessment for PAD, and personalized strategies for treatment and prevention.


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