Welcome to my blog, In this unit in "Fuel," we were discovering batteries, now even though the unit was only one week long we still learned quite a few things about batteries. From electrodes to electrolytes, from electric cranes to tesla power walls. We covered it all. I changed my experiment quite a few times. I still got it done though, let's take a look into the journey of a battery! So for staters we watched Will, destroy a pencil sharpener (Cool right!) to see the motor on the inside. Once we opened the magnet we discovered that there was a copper coil, and 2 big magnets creating electricity to make the motor work! Will then, showed us what electrolytes were. We were given the challenge of creating a battery use two types of metals, and 2 electrolytes. At first, I was going to use, coconut water, then I changed my mind and decided to use salted coconut water! That was for my first attempt though, for my second attempt. I used salted vinegar, this came out amazing! ...